New technologies will reshape millions of jobs in the EU
- Millions of jobs are at risk because of automation. Especially, those that involve routine tasks.
- Technology creates new types of jobs. But it is difficult to predict where and how many.
- Digital technologies also change what people do on the job, and how they do it.
Digital and non-cognitive skills (communication, planning, teamwork, …) are increasingly necessary to seize emerging job opportunities
- Jobs requiring a combination of digital and non-cognitive skills (communication, planning, teamwork…) tend to be better paid than others.
- Employers seek team-workers who can adapt to change and are open to learning.
- Most occupations that grew in the EU since 2011 are rich in social interactions and require above-average ICT skills.
Technology is a key driver of new forms of work
- Technology provides incentives for employers to outsource work. It enables workers to work remotely and in novel structures.
- Platform work and other atypical forms of employment are growing in the EU, involving many young people and highly educated workers.
- Platform work is a clear example of how digital transformation offers new job opportunities. But it creates challenges for workers and policy makers.
- International competition, outsourcing, and the rise of digital labour platforms can generate fragmented and short-lived jobs.
The employment landscape is evolving differently across the EU, widening the gap between regions
- Beyond technological change, many other factors shape the evolution of the employment landscape. For example, economic structures and labour market institutions.
- Highly urbanised areas show a much larger share of high-paid jobs.
- The employment structure of peripheral European regions remains far from converging to the core.
Read the full Report of the European Commissions on the Skills in the digital Age